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Cyprus Naturalisation of Foreign Nationals: An Amended Framework


On November 30th 2023, the House of Representatives in Cyprus approved an amendment on the existing Civil Registry Law leading to modernisation of the existing legal framework and modifying the prerequisites and various criteria for naturalisation of foreign nationals.

The amendment essentially concerns the amount of time required of a foreign national to have resided in Cyprus before being eligible to apply for naturalisation, along with the extent of knowledge of the Greek language. Special provisions regarding highly skilled / qualified professionals within the technology sector have also been implemented acting as an incentive for such applicants and their families. The aim of such provisions is to establish
Cyprus as an attractive destination for foreign nationals excelling in the technology sector, making the island an international hub of both technologically savvy professionals and businesses.

A. Criteria for Naturalisation of Foreign Nationals:
On condition that the following requirements are met, foreign nationals are eligible for naturalisation:
● Continuous legal residency in Cyprus for twelve months prior to the application for naturalisation with the exemption of a period of absences not exceeding the 90-day cap within the year.
● During the 10-year period leading to the aforementioned twelve months, the individual in question should have legally resided in Cyprus for a total of seven years (permissible absences of a total of 90 days per year do not interfere with the accumulated time on the Republic).
● A clean criminal record and a character reference.
● Adequate financial resources to enable self-sufficiency.
● Suitable accommodation in Cyprus.
● Proof of Greek language proficiency equivalent to a B1 level.
● Sufficient knowledge of Cyprus’ political and social scene.
● Intention of staying in Cyprus.

B. Special provisions for the naturalisation of highly skilled professionals:
The following exhibit a differentiation regarding highly skilled individuals employed by foreign
– interest companies:
● Continuous legal residency in Cyprus for twelve months prior to the application for naturalisation with the exemption of a period of absences not exceeding the 90-day cap within the year.
● The aforementioned accumulated seven-year period (out of ten years) is reduced to four years should the individual have a Greek language proficiency equivalent to A2 level. Should the individual possess a Greek language proficiency equivalent to B1 level, the years in question are reduced to three.
● Spouses or Civil Partners of the individuals may also apply for naturalisation under the same conditions.
● Minor children who turn 18 during their parents’ application process, are still eligible to apply as minors.
● Applications of highly skilled professionals are fast-tracked with the process examining their application not exceeding an eight-month period and are subject to the payment of a fee.

C. Pending Applications:
In accordance with the law, applications submitted prior to the amendment coming into effect shall be examined based on the new criteria.

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