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Setting up a company in Cyprus
Setting up a company overseas can be a real challenging process. Being in a strategic partner for over 30 years, our firm employs qualified Chartered Certified Accountants (A.C.C.A.) Certified Public Accountants in Cyprus (I.C.P.A.C.) who can help you formulate strategies and appropriate business structures.
• Professional advice on different sets of problems facing that arise when starting a business in Cyprus.

• Help you set up different types of business structures.

• Provide accounting services to your new business with bookkeeping services and invoice management.

• Provide cash flow, business planning and financial forecasting.

• Offer assistance with start-up funding sources to properly set up your business .

• Offer V.A.T assistance with compliance, V.A.T registrations and help with V.A.T procedures.

• Secure your finance plan by implementing proper strategies.

• Produce accurate financial audit reports required by Cyprus regulatory authories and I.F.R.S standards.

• Advice to reduce your business start-up costs by setting appropriate financial startegies.

• Professional advice to experience business growth.

• Choose the right legal entity in Cyprus for trading in purposes.

• Drawing articles of association in relation to the company and the stakeholders.

• Provide certificate of Cyprus company through our associates and issue the relevant certificate of records for your company from the Cyprus Company Registrar.


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We work with ambitious companies from all around the world who want to reach their business goals. Together, we can shape your business future and achieve extraordinary results.